This page (and its
is intended to become a resource for people
to post all kinds of information about every Calabi-Yau manifold that
anyone would care about, as well
as information about the physical theories that they define. Please direct
inquiries about data, software, etc. located on this WWW site to the
person who is identified as providing the information.
Select the number of parameters from
1 2 3 (not all available), or input
the number of parameters
(not yet available). Or input Hodge numbers or method of construction or...
Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Three classes of Calabi-Yau manifolds have been constructed completely
at this point.
- Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Manifolds
The class of complete intersection manifolds embedded in
products of ordinary projective spaces, so-called
- Weighted Complete Intersections
A number of different types of Calabi-Yau theories is
contained in the class
Landau-Ginzburg theories
at c=9 (116kb) whose complete construction
in two independent ways has been described in the
LG references.
- Theories with 5 (scaling) variables comprise the complete
class of
7,555 (78kb)
quasismooth Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces embedded in
weighted 4-space.
- The list of
(39kb) theories with more than five variables define
higher-dimensional manifolds, so-called
Special Fano Varieties or
Generalized Calabi-Yau Manifolds . A geometric projection
identifies the subsector of the cohomology of these
higher-dimensional varieties which parametrizes the string
spectra described in the list.
- Toric constructions
- Calabi-Yau orbifolds (soon to come, not yet in operation)
Fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds,
of interest for dualities in string theory,
M-theory and F-theory:
Software for Calabi-Yau Threefolds
- TESS , a code which
computes the Hodge number of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds
embedded in products of ordinary projective spaces.
(Provided by T.Hubsch (
a Mathematica program which calculates instanton numbers and other data for
Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric varieties.
(Provided by A.Klemm (
- PUNTOS is a Maple
program which triangulates polyhedra and computes the various phases
of toric hypersurfaces. A LaTex
manual explains the
(Provided by Loera )
(0,2) Calabi-Yau Threefolds and Mirror Symmetry
The construction of a first large class of (0,2) theories
has been discussed in the paper hep-th/9609167.
A supplement lists the (0,2) Landau-Ginzburg theories
with various gauge groups considered in that paper.
- Paper hep-th/9609167, available as a
ps file (107 kb)
- Supplement listing (0,2) Landau-Ginzburg theories
with gauge groups
Calabi-Yau Fourfolds
- The Hodge numbers for a few fibered fourfolds have been described in the
context of F-Theory and M-theory in the paper
The complete set of codimension one transverse Calabi-Yau fourfolds
has been described in the paper hep-th/9812195,
available as a ps file
(137 kb).
Furthermore, a large amount of configurations with codimension 2, 3
and 4 has been computed.
The supplement lists all the data.
Data format: weight_1 ... weight_n h22 h31 h21 h11
- Codimension 1, split into 10 files
1 (1.7 MB)
2 (1.8 MB)
3 (1.7 MB)
4 (1.8 MB)
5 (1.8 MB)
6 (1.8 MB)
7 (1.8 MB)
8 (1.8 MB)
9 (1.9 MB)
10 (2.0 MB)
11 (2.1 MB)
- Codimension 2, split into 7 files
1 (1.9 MB)
2 (2.0 MB)
3 (2.0 MB)
4 (2.0 MB)
5 (2.1 MB)
6 (2.2 MB)
7 (2.2 MB)
- Codimension 3 (589 kb)
- Codimension 4 (0.6 kb)
The rare cases of
negative Euler number (codimension 1) (3.5 kb)
In this list the additional (first) entry is the Euler number.
Fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds, of interest for dualities:
Please send suggestions to: Sheldon Katz (
or to
Rolf Schimmrigk
or to
Andreas Wißkirchen
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