Theory Department
Professors and their Groups
- Prof. M. Drees
- Theoretical Astro-Particle Physics: Supersymmetric Dark
Matter, SUSY Phenomenology at High Energy Particle Colliders, Physics of the
Early Universe
- Prof. H. Dreiner
- Higgs and Supersymmetry Phenomenology, Model Building
- Prof. C. Duhr
- QCD at Hadron Colliders, Scattering Amplitudes, Number Theory
- Priv.Doz. S. Förste
- Prof. A. Klemm
- Mathematical Physics: String Theory, Algebraic Geometry
- Prof. C. Kollath
- Theoretical quantum physics: ultracold atomic gases and quantum many
body physics
- Prof. J. Kroha
Nanoscopic and strongly correlated electron systems:
Mesoscopic physics, Disorder and interaction in electronic systems
Photonics: Photonic crystals and random
optical systems
- Priv.Doz. F. Loebbert
- Symmetries and Quantum Field Theory
- Gugliemlo Lockhart (ERC
- Non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory, string theory,
and the underlying mathematical foundations
- Prof. D. Luitz
- Theoretical Quantum Many-Body Physics: condensed matter and quantum optical systems
- Prof. H. Monien
- Theoretical Condensed Matther Physics: High Temperature Superconductors, Heavy Fermions,
Quantum Hall Effect, Josephson Junction Arrays, BEC in atomic systems
Professors em.
Physics Institute: Professors and their Groups
Feb 23, 2022