Professor Manuel Drees

I am Professor for Theoretical Particle and Astro-Particle Physics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universtät Bonn.

Administrative duties

1) MSc Selection committees

I am chairman of the committee in charge of selecting students who wish to obtain an MSc in Physics or an MSc in Astrophysics at Bonn university. Our department started these MSc courses from October 2006. The detailed syllabi can be found here . Briefly, both MSc courses run for two years. The first year is devoted to taking advanced classes, both in the classroom and in the lab, whereas the second year is essentially devoted to a research project, culminating in a Master thesis.
Note: Highly qualified candidates may at the same time apply to join the honors branch of the Bonn Cologne Graduate School, which has also become operative in October 2006. Further information on this program, and more information about the application process, may be found here.


This working group was formed to consider improvements in the syllabi of our Bachelor and Master courses. Since the spring of 2020 it has mostly dealt with how to organize teaching (and exams) in times of Corona. Students and professors participate in this working group.

3) Counseling of Master Students

I am the student counselor for the Master of Physics. This includes advice on which course(s) to take at our university, or during an Erasmus semester abroad; moreover, I am responsible for evaluating, and possibly certifying, the equivalence of some class(es) you may have taken at a different university to some of our classes, and for determining the grade.
If you want to spend an "Erasmus" semester abroad, please provide me with descriptions of the courses you wish to take abroad, in English or German, before the consultation proper.

Slides of the talk I gave on October 11 about doing the Master in Bonn can be found here. Incoming (new) students might want to consult this before contacting me.

During the current semester breaks, meetings are by appointment only; both Zoom meetings and meetings in person are possible.

Are you interested in studying, or doing an internshp, abroad? The International Office of our university has various programs. Details can be found here

Attention, female Master students! Our university is sponsoring a "femtastec" network for "female* Master students in STEM". It offers opportunities for networking, mentoring and more. For further details, click here. The next application phase of the FEMTEC Career-Building Program will be open from October 14th to November 3rd! The above link has more details.

Zweifel am Studium? Die Uni bietet ein Programm zur Unterstützung, Orientierung und Beratung im März (only in German, alas). Näheres finden Sie hier.