Manuel Drees, Rohini Godbole and Probir Roy, "Theory and Phenomenology
of Sparticles"
This is the official web page for our book on Supersymmetry,
"Theory and Phenomenology of Sparticles", which was
published in 2004 by World Scientific, Singapore; the publisher's web
page of this book can be found here. This
web page contains a list of all mistakes in the book we are aware of
that can distort the content. Mere spelling mistakes (typos) are not
listed. We are grateful for any mistakes communicated to us,
preferably by e-mail (to, or to, or to We also
include a few important updates, and clarify potentially misleading
statements. The errors and updates are listed below by chapter and
page number.
The second print of our book has now appeared (also
available as soft cover). Many typos have been corrected in this
second print, as indicated below.
Sparticle and Higgs mass bounds (see also Ch.15) (last update:
May 2011):
The Tevatron experiments have by now collected more than 5 fb-1 of
data. Unfortunately still no SUSY signal has been observed, leading to improved
mass bounds. A recent summary of sparticle and Higgs boson search limits is
arXiv:0903.0046 [hep-ex], by
J.L. Feng, F. Grivaz and J. Nachtman; this review also contains many references
to the original literature. Some results are:
-) Charginos and neutralinos: under the most favorable
circumstances, searches for hadronically quiet 3l events (see Ch.15.2) lead to
a lower bound of about 164 GeV for the masses of the first chargino or second
neutralino. However, if the leptonic BR of the second neutralino is 3.3% (i.e.,
dominated by Z exchange), existing Tevatron data still do not allow to improve
the LEP2 limit of about 104 GeV.
-) Generic squarks and gluinos: searches for final states with
Nj > 1 jets and large missing ET (see Ch.15.4) exclude
gluino masses below 308 GeV if squarks are heavy. For degenerate squark and
gluino masses, the bound improves to 390 GeV. Within mSUGRA, a lower bound on
the average of the 10 squark masses (not icluding the stop) of about 380 GeV
has been derived.
-) Searches for pairs of light sbottom squarks decaying into a
b-jet and a stable neutralino LSP with unit branching ratio lead to a lower
bound on the sbottom mass of about 220 GeV for light neutralino, and still
nearly 200 GeV for an LSP mass of 80 GeV; there is no sensitivity to heavier
-) Seaches for pairs of light stop squarks decaying into a
c-jet and a stable neutralino LSP with unit branching ratio lead to a lower
bound on the stop mass of about 150 GeV for LSP mass below 50 GeV; there is no
sensitivity to LSPs heavier than about 70 GeV. Note also that this decay mode
is expected to be subdominant once the stop mass exceeds the sum of W, b and
LSP masses. If instead the light stop decays into a b-jet, a charged lepton and
a (stable or invisibly decaying) sneutrino with unit branching ratio, the stop
mass bound improves to about 186 GeV for sneutrino mass below 70 GeV; there is
no sensitivity to sneutrino masses above 105 GeV. Finally, if stop decays into
a b quark and a chargino, the bound depends on the leptonic branching ratio of
the chargino, extending to 165 (180) GeV if this branching ratio is 25% (50%).
-) Tevatron data do not improve the LEP bounds on the masses
of sleptons, except in some specific R-parity violating scenarios
(see below).
-) GMSB: Inclusive searches for final states with two hard,
isolated photons and large missing ET lead to mass bounds of about
149 (280) GeV for the mass of the lightest neutralino (chargino) in GMSB models
with prompt decays of a neutralino NLSP (i.e., for sufficiently small gravitino
mass). CDF also searched for similar events where the photons do not point back
to the production vertex, i.e. for relatively late neutralino decays. Lightest
neutralino masses below about 100 GeV can be excluded for lifetimes around 5
-) Searches for long-lived charged particles allow to exclude
sufficiently long-lived wino-like charginos with mass up to 206 GeV. Stable
stops are excluded if their mass is below 249 GeV.
-) R-parity violation through lambda coupling (see Ch.15.6):
searches for events with at least three charged leptons lead to a lower bound
of the mass of the neutralino LSP of about 120 GeV in models with explicit
R-parity violation by lambda121 or 122; in case of
lambda133 the bound is reduced to about 90 GeV, since tau leptons
are more difficult to detect.
-) R-parity violation through lambda' coupling: D0 searched for
single smuon or muon-sneutrino production through the R-parity violating
coupling lambda'211, and placed bounds on the slepton mass of 210,
340 and 363 GeV for coupling strength 0.04, 0.06 and 0.1, respectively.
CDF searched for the pair production of light stops, with each stop decaying
through the R-parity violating coupling lambda'333 into a b-jet and
a tau lepton, and puts a lower bound on the stop mass of 155 GeV for unit
branching ratio. Finally, HERA experiments exclude squark masses up to 275 GeV
if the coupling involves first generation leptons and (s)quarks.
-) Searches for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying into
tau pairs now significantly extend the LEP2 limits in the region of very large
tan(beta); they have recently been combined
in arXiv:1003.3363 [hep-ex] . For
example, mA > 200 GeV is required for tan(beta) > 54; for
tan(beta) = 40, the region 110 GeV < mA < 180 GeV, as well as the
region near mA = 90 GeV, are excluded. Below
tan(beta) = 30, all values of mA are allowed. In the context of
the MSSM, the bounds derived from searches for charged Higgs bosons
produced in top decay are somewhat weaker. Note also that there is now
a publicly available code,
HiggsBounds, which checks whether a parameter point is compatible with
all existing Higgs search limits;see
arXiv:0905.2190 [hep-ph] , by P. Pechtle et al. .
In the last few months, limits from the first 35 pb-1 of LHC data,
taken at root-s = 7 TeV, have started to appear. Unfortunately again no clear
signal has been found. Moreover, due to the limited data sample, the LHC limits
should still be taken with a grain of salt: whereas in most channels searched
at the Tevatron there is no great difference between mass bounds at 95% or 99%
confidence level, the latter may no exist at all for LHC data. The reader
should bear in mind that the Standard Model is at any given moment excluded by
several measurements at more than 95% c.l.
With this caveat, here is a summary of LHC results:
-) Both CMS
(arXiv:1101.1628 [hep-ex] )
(arXiv:1102.5290 [hep-ex] )
searched for events with jets and missing ET. ATLAS has better
bounds, since they find fewer events than predicted by backgrounds (this is
true for many of their searches). For direct decays into a massless lightest
neutralino as LSP, equal squark and gluino masses up to about 850 GeV are
excluded. In an mSUGRA framework, squark masses up to about 780 GeV, and gluino
masses up to about 850 GeV are excluded; the bound becomes irrelevant for
m0 > 800 GeV. This constraint should be relatively robust against
changes of other model parameters.
-) ATLAS searched for events with at least one b-jet and missing
ET. Gluinos decaying into b squarks are excluded below about 590 GeV
for b squark masses up to 500 GeV, if all b squarks decay into a b quark and a
stable lightest neutralino. Combining final states with zero and one lepton, in
an optimal mSUGRA framework squark and gluino masses up to about 650 GeV are
excluded; the resulting bound on M1/2 remains above the LEP limit of
about 160 GeV for m0 up to 1100 GeV; see
arXiv:1103.4344 [hep-ex] .
-) ATLAS searched for events with (at least) one lepton, jets and missing
ET. Within an mSUGRA framework with small tan(beta), this excludes
squark masses up to about 850 GeV, and gluino masses up to about 750 GeV; there
is no bound for m0 > 750 GeV; see
[hep-ex] . ATLAS also searched for events with two charged leptons, jets
and missing ET. For favorable mSUGRA scenarios, squark and gluino
masses up to 650 GeV are excluded at 95% c.l., but there is no bound for
m0 > 280 GeV;
see arXiv:1103.6214
[hep-ex] . These bounds depend somewhat on leptonic branching ratios of
charginos and neutralinos.
-) CMS searched for events with a lepton, a photon and missing ET.
This leads to a lower bound of about 450 to 500 GeV on the masses of gluinos
and squarks in GMSB scenarios where the neutralino NLSP decays promptly into a
photon and a gravitino; see
arXiv:1105.3152 [hep-ex] .
In the same framework, a CMS search for events with two photons and missing
ET excludes equal squark and gluino masses up to about 800 GeV; see
arXiv:1103.0953 [hep-ex] .
-) CMS also published first limits on MSSM Higgs bosons, based on searches for
final states containing an oppositely charged tau pair, at least one of which
decayed purely leptonically. They observe slightly fewer events than predicted
from background, and exclude tan(beta) above about (30, 23, 31, 42, 55) for
mA = (100, 150, 200, 250, 300) GeV; see
arXiv:1104.1619 [hep-ex] .
Notations, Conventions and Basic Superfield Definitions
Page xxiv, 17th definition: the definitions given here for
\sigma\mu\nu and \bar\sigma\mu\nu are not quite
correct; the correct definitions are given on p.30. Note that in
\sigma\mu\nu the first Pauli matrix is always without bar, the
second one with bar; the placement of the bar is opposite for
\bar\sigma\mu\nu . (Thanks to Tobias Schlueter.) (1st and 2nd print
Chapter 1
Page 5, Fig.1: the right Feynman diagram is Fig.1.1(b), not
Fig.1.2(b). (1st print only.)
Page 6, (1.1): note that the expansion index i does NOT label the
loop order. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 11, (1.10a): an equal sign, '=', is missing after
B0(0, m12, m22).
(1st print only.)
Page 12, ftnt.9: tilde's are missing over the subscripts f,
i.e. these are sfermion masses, not fermion masses. (1st print
Page 15, ref. [1.7]: Susskind's paper has been published in 1979,
not in 1980;
ref. [1.8]: the page number of the first paper is 757, not
575. (Thanks to Jens Salomon.)
Chapter 2
Page 22: in the penultimate (unnumbered) equation on this page the
psi-dot^\dagger psi term in the Lagrangian should come with a positive
sign. (Thanks to Herbi Dreiner.)
Chapter 3
Page 30, 2nd unnumbered eq.: the indices on the
gamma matrices should be upper, rather than lower, indices. The final
expression for gamma5 in the Dirac representation is
correct. (Thanks to Per Osland.) (1st and 2nd
print only.)
Page 40, eq.(3.22): we define C as -i gamma2gamma0.
This differs from the definition in Bailin and Love, [3.13], by a sign. The
same relative sign between our convention and that of Bailin and Love appears
in the definition of the epsilon matrices on p.37. (Thanks to Torben Fritsche.)
Page 42, eq.(3.28k): the first term on the rhs should contain two
right-handed ("minus") spinors, whereas the second term should contain two
left-handed ("plus") spinors.
Chapter 4
Page 50, unnumbered eq. following eqs.(4.2): these should be
three anti-commutators, i.e. the two commutators should be changed
into anti-commutators. (Thanks to Tobias Schlueter.) (1st and
2nd print only.)
Page 53, eq.(4.8f): both terms in the 2nd line of this
equation should be multiplied with i. (Thanks to Kin-ya Oda and Patrick
Vaudrevange.) (1st print only.)
Page 61, l.5: (4.24) should be (4.28).
Page 61, eq.(4.31): the first term in the second line, proportional to
Im(phi), should have a positive sign. Correspondingly the minus sign in front
of Im(phi) in the last line on this page should be dropped.
Page 62, just below eq.(4.33): at the end of the line, the minus sign in
front of Im(phi) should be a plus sign.
Page 65, eq.(4.43): the third term should have positive sign. (Thanks to
Peter Graf and Frank Daniel Steffen.)
Page 65, eq.(4.45): all fields should have the right-chiral
coordinate \bar{y} as argument, including in particular \bar{\lambda}
in the 2nd line of this equation. (1st print only.)
Chapter 5
Page 74, eq.(5.8a): the ordering of the scalar fields is
inconistent with subsequent equations: we need (\bar{\phi}^i
\phi_i) in front of the squared mass matrix, and (\phi_j
\bar{\phi}^j)T after this matrix. (1st print only.)
Page 75, 2nd unnumbered eq.: in the first expression,
Wk should be \bar{W}k; in the 2nd expression,
\bar{W}k should be Wk. (V and its derivatives
always contains one W and one \bar{W}.) (1st print only.)
Page 77, first line: the word 'minus' at the end of the line should be
omitted; moreover, in the beginning of the third line the sign in front of
Im(phi) should be plus, not minus.
Page 77, eq.(5.17) and the following unnumbered eq.: eta should
be replaced by 2 eta, for consistency with eq.(5.18) and subsequent
results. Note also that (5.18), and the results derived from it, only
hold in the Wess-Zumino supergauge. (1st print only.)
Page 85, eq.(5.47b): \Lambda in both exponents should be
\Lambda^\dagger, i.e. the conjugate, right-chiral superfield should appear
here. (Thanks to Philipp Varso and Alexander Voigt.)
Page 87, eq.(5.60): in the second term on the rhs, the sign in front of
gs should be minus rather than plus.
Page 88, Fig.5.2: the sign of the last vertex factor, for the gluino
gluino gluon vertex, should be plus rather than minus.
Page 90, eq.(5.63): in the second term inside the first square
parentheses, a dot is missing on the first subscript A. (Thanks to Alexander
Page 91, eq.(5.64): in the 3rd term in the 2nd
line, a Dirac matrix \gamma^\mu contracting the covariant derivative is
missing. (Thanks to Alexander Voigt.)
Page 94, Fig.5.3, first Feynman rule on this page: the coupling factor
should be g_Y^2, rather than g_2^2.
Chapter 6
Page 120, first unnumbered eq.: the mass term (m/2) \int
d6z Phi2 + h.c., should be added to the
Wess-Zumino action. (1st print only.)
Page 129, eq.(6.87c): On both sides of this equation, \lambda should be
replaced by f.
Page 131, eq.(6.97): The subscript on the renormalized superfield on the
rhs should be i' rather than i; summation over i' is understood. (1st and 2nd
print only.)
Page 135, eq.(6.107): the coefficient of the beta-function
b(1)g2 should have an
additional label |SUSY, to distinguish it from the general case
treated in eq.(11.1). (1st print only.)
Chapter 7
Page 144, first bullet, line 3: "ftnt.1" should be "ftnt.2". (1st
print only.)
Page 146, 5th line from the bottom of the page: "asymmetrically
placed" should be "symmetrically placed". (1st print only.)
Page 148, l.7: "in the Phi2, Phi3
superfields" should be inserted after "physical states". (1st print only.)
Page 152, first paragraph of Sec.7.7: The acronym "SSB" used here for
"SuperSymmetry Breaking", should be replaced by "ESB" for "Explicit
Supersymmetry Breaking", in order to avoid confusion with "Spontaneous
Supersymmetry Breaking", which is abbreviated by "SSB" in other places
(e.g. on p.140). (1st and 2nd print only.)
Chapter 8
Page 171, (8.31): the third and fourth term should have -gs
in the exponent, for consistency with (5.57b). (Thanks to Amon Ilakovac.) (1st
and 2nd print only.)
Page 172, (8.32): only the first term in square parentheses, which
describes the kinetic energies and gauge interactions of the Higgs
superfields, needs to be summed over p. The terms containing the
superpotential should NOT be summed over p. (Thanks to Alexander Voight and
Philipp Varso.)
Page 173, (8.35c): the second and third terms on both right hand sides
should come with minus signs, for consistency with (5.57b). (Thanks to Amon
Ilakovac.) (1st and 2nd print only.) Note that (8.45) and (8.49) are correct as
Page 180, (8.48): the last $\tilde d$ in the first line should be a
$\tilde u$. (Thanks to Nicki Bornhauser).
Chapter 9
Page 189, (9.11a,b): there should not be any tildes on the rhs of these
equations; the fields appearing here are the mixed 2-component charginos
introduced in (9.9), and written without tilde. Fields with tilde are
4-component fermions. (Thanks to Philipp Varso and Alexander Voigt.)
Page 195, (9.38): in the second line, the first index of the first
mixing matrix {\cal U} of the second term should be m (to match the index of the
chargino on the left), not l. (Thanks to Philipp Varso and Alexander
Page 198, (9.48): The (RR) entry of the sfermion mass matrix should also
come with a square. (Thanks to Nicki Bornhauser.)
Page 206, 2nd paragraph, l.13: the quantities $\delta^{\tilde
q}$ should scale like the squark mass divided by 500 GeV, not divided
by 5000 GeV. (Thanks to Sudhir Vempati.) (1st print only.)
Page 208, 2 l. below (9.63): "(9.62)" should read "(9.63)". (Thanks
to Rishikesh Vaidya.) (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 217, first line of last paragraph: "ftnt.9" should be
"ftnt.10". (1st print only.)
Chapter 10
Page 219, eq.(3): a subscript i is missing on the quark doublet
superfield Q (twice).
Page 221, eq.(10.10): the power -1 should be -1/2. (Thanks to Josef
Page 221, eq.(10.12): the first term in parentheses on the r.h.s.,
containing the gauge couplings, should not be squared. (1st and 2nd print
Page 222, 3 l. below (10.15): $\mu^2$ should be $|\mu^2|$.
Moreover, the derivation of (10.18) also makes use of (10.9), in addition to
(10.7), (10.10) and (10.17) (1st print only.)
Page 242, eq.(10.51b): Since we are only interested in corrections to
Higgs boson masses involving Yukawa couplings, we have neglected
contributions to the stop masses that are proportional to electroweak gauge
Page 243, 2nd paragraph, line 9: (10.53) should read (10.52).
Page 243, eq.(10.58a): In the second line, (MZ2 -
mA2) should be (mA2 -
MZ2). (Thanks to Christopher McCabe.) Note also that h
is the lighter Higgs boson, H the heavier one.
Page 245, eq.(10.61): The difference of squared stop masses under the
square root should be squared. (Thanks to Swarup Kumar Majee.) (1st and 2nd
print only.) Also, as in (10.51b) we have ignored electroweak gauge
contributions to the field dependent stop masses.
Page 248, eq.(10.73): Additional 2-loop corrections to mh
have been evaluated by Brignole et al. in hep-ph/0112177, hep-ph/0206101,
which can increase mh by a few GeV. Including theoretical
and parametric uncertainties, and allowing stop masses up to 2 TeV,
Allanach et al. conclude in hep-ph/0406166 that light Higgs masses up
to 152 GeV might be possible in the general MSSM. On the other hand, the
current (summer 2006) central value for the top mass has been reduced to
mt =172.5 GeV [CDF Collab. and D0 Collab., hep-ex/0605106],
leading to correspondingly lower values of mh.
Chapter 11
Page 256, eq.(11.11): the second term on the right hand side should be
subtracted from, not added to, the first term. Moreover, the factor 2 \pi in
the denominator of this term should be 8 \pi^2.
Page 259, unnumbered eqs. above eqs.(11.16): the primes should be on the
left-hand side in both cases; the fields on the right-hand sides should be
without prime. Moreover, in the second equation, the second
\bar{\eta} should be \eta. When applying these transformations, the
supersymmetric part of the Lagrangian should first be written with primed
fields, i.e. the total primed Lagrangian also contains a supersymmetric part
which is identical to that in (11.14a) with all fields replaced by primed
fields. The transformations described by the unnumbered eqs. on p.259 should be
applied to the entire primed Lagrangian. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Eq.(11.16c): the \kappa* \kappa term should come with negative, rather than
positive, sign. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 261, Fig.11.3: The left vertex in the top-left diagram should also
have coupling {\cal A}, rather than f, this also being a spurion vertex. (1st
and 2nd print only.)
Chapter 12
Page 290, first equation below the figure: the denominator on
the RHS should be "tan2beta-1", rather than
"tan2beta". (1st print only.)
Page 308, eq.(12.56b): note that in our convention, taking all diagonal
MSSM Yukawa couplings to be positive, we have At =
-Aijk, with i standing for stopL , j standing for
stopR , and k standing for h20 . This
leads to the MSSM expressions listed in Table 12.1.
Page 310, table, second row: the Yukawa coupling in front of the
expression in parentheses should be the bottom coupling fb, not the
top coupling ft. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 319, eq.(12.90d): the coefficient 1/MPl multiplying the
last two lines of the rhs should be moved inside the curly bracket, i.e. it
should multiply only the first of these three terms. (Thanks to Charanjit
S. Aulakh.) (1st and 2nd print only.)
Chapter 13
Page 325, 2nd line of eq.(13.8): the second term should read
x2/36, not x2/16. (Thanks to Daisuke Nomura.)
Page 328, Table 13.1: The phase space factors in the expressions for the
partial widths for neutralino to gravitino plus massive boson decays should be
raised to the fourth power. Moreover, Ni3 should be replaced by
Zi4, and Ni4 by Zi3, Z being the neutralino
mixing matrix defined in Sec.9.2. Finally, in the expression for the partial
width for the A plus Gravitino mode, the relative sign between the two terms in
the absolute square should be plus, not minus. (Thanks to Steve Martin.) (1st
and 2nd print only.)
Chapter 14
Page 344, 1st paragraph, l.15: "16.4" should be "16.5". (Thanks
to Rishikesh Vaidya). (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 360, last paragraph: the discussion in the first nine lines of
this paragraph is misleading. First of all, the phrases "baryon parity" and
"lepton parity" in line 2 should be replaced by "baryon number" and "lepton
number". Second, the sentences in lines 5-9 beginning with "A systematic
....." and ending with "...this virtue." should be replaced by the
"A systematic analysis of all ZN symmetries revealed [14.39]
that the only discrete symmetries, permitted by the anomaly free condition,
are the usual Z2 matter parity (corresponding to standard R-parity,
cf. Sec. 4.5) and a Z3 symmetry which has been called 'generalized
baryon parity'. The latter forbids the baryon number violating term in the
superpotential (14.14) but allows the lepton number violating ones. Indeed, an
invariance under this 'generalized baryon parity' does prohibit certain
dimension five operators which are embarassing for GUT-induced proton
decay. Therefore 'generalized baryon parity' is preferred over matter parity
which does not have this virtue." (Thanks to Marc Thormeier.) (1st
and 2nd print only.)
Page 347, eq.(14.2): in the first line, h02 should
be h2, i.e. the doublet is meant here, not only its neutral
component. (Thanks to Alexander Voigt.)
Page 376, eq.(14.43a): the rhs should have a minus sign in
front. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Chapter 15
Page 391, first line: the components Zn1, Zn2,
Zl1 and Zl2, which are in fact gaugino components, should
be replaced by the higgsino components Zn3, Zn4,
Zl3 and Zl4. (Thanks to Arindam Chatterjee.)
Page 398, Fig.15.7: in the last (bottom-right) Feynman diagram a label
"\tilde f^\prime" should be added in parentheses to the exchanged sfermion
line. (Thanks to Sascha Bornhauser.)
Page 403, Fig.15.9: The "Run II" region is a 99% c.l. exclusion
region. A true discovery (with at least five standard deviations
statistical significance) would require more than 2 fb-1 of
data in the depicted region of parameter space. See [15.5] for further
Page 405, unnumbered eq. for the maximal di-lepton invariant mass: the
first factor should be the mass of the decaying heavier neutralino2,
rather than that of the lightest neutralino1. (Thanks to Steve
Chapter 16
Page 455, line 6: "should" should be deleted. (1st print only.)
Page 458, (16.12): "k2" on the l.h.s. should simply be
"k". (Thanks to Ranjan Laha.).
Page 459, end of paragraph containing (16.16): current
observations indicate that about 30% of the critical density is in
matter, and about 70% in "Dark Energy" with negative pressure, the
simplest example of which is a cosmological constant.
Page 460, (16.19): a power -1 is missing on the rhs, i.e. it
should be (1+z)/ R(t0). (High redshifts z correspond to an
earlier, hotter, Universe.) (1st print only.)
Page 486, just after the third bullet: "done" should read
"one". (1st and 2nd print only.)
Chapter 17
Page 502, Table, mGMSB entry for SU(2) doublet sleptons: The
coefficient G' should appear linearly, as for the other sfermions, not
as square. (1st print only.)
Appendix A
Page 507: Note that the second diagram treats a negative
chargino as incoming particle, as indicated by the arrows. The
Feynman rule for outgoing positive chargino can be obtained by simply
taking the conjugate of the first vertex rule. (Thanks to Sascha
Page 512: In Fig. 9.9 both sfermions have to be identical,
i.e. \tilde{f} = \tilde{f}'.
Page 517, Fig. 9.14: In the upper figure the label on the
outgoing solid (fermion) line should be f' rather than f. In the lower
figure the label on the outgoing dotted (sfermion) line should be
\tilde f' rather than f. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 518, Fig. 9.15: In the upper figure the label on the
outgoing solid (fermion) line should be f' rather than f. In the lower
figure the label on the outgoing dotted (sfermion) line should be
\tilde f' rather than f. (1st and 2nd print only.)
Page 519, Fig. 9.16: In the upper figure the label on the
outgoing solid (quark) line should be qi rather than
qs. In the lower figure the solid (quark) line should be
incoming, rather than outgoing, and should have label qi
rather than qs; moreover, the dotted (squark) line should
be outgoing rather than incoming. (1st and 2nd print
Appendix B
Page 522: As stated in the first paragraph of Sec. 10.4, the couplings
of the charged Higgs bosons are written for a single generation of quarks. The
extension to more than one generation proceeds as follows: In the second
Feynman diagram in Fig. 8.1., when fu stands for quark ui
and fd stands for dj, the vertex should be multiplied
with VqLij, where VqL is the CKM matrix
introduced on p.175. Similarly, in the third Feynman diagram in Fig. 8.1,
when fu stands for quark ui and fd stands for
dj, the vertex should be multiplied with
(VqL+)ji, where VqL+ is the hermitian
conjugate of the CKM matrix VqL. (Thanks to Andreas Crivellin.)
Page 534, "J" entry: "Greist" should be spelt "Griest". (Thanks to
Ranjan Laha and Akin Wingerter.)
Page 548, just above the entry for "OS" there should have been another
entry, for "O'Raifeartaigh", with page nos. 140, 145-8.
Page 550, between the entries for "Right chiral" and "Rotation",
there should be another entry, for "Rigid supersymmetry
transformation", with page no. 52. (1st print only.)
Page 551, between the entries for "Scale" and "Search strategy"
there should be another entry, for "S$\chi$GT" for "supersymmetric
chiral gauge theory", with page nos. 90 through 96. (1st print