Publications by group members are listed here.
Research in the group:
This includes the following areas of theoretical high energy physics
and astro-particle physics:
Cosmological Dark Matter
- Production in the early universe in specific models
- The impact of non-standard cosmologies, in particular early matter
- Direct Detection
- Implications for other phenomenology, in particular collider physics
Cosmological Inflation and its Aftermath
- Analysis of specific models
- The production of primordial black holes
- The dynamics of reheating after inflation
Phenomenology at High Energy Particle Colliders (mostly LHC)
- Novel signals
- Interpretation of data: bounds on parameters
- Development and application of machine learning techniques
- Discrimination between models once a signal has been found
- Precise determination of parameters once a signal has been found
More information can be found on the home pages of the group members
Group Homepage