Supplementary Material to Papers
- Supplementary data for "Feynman Integrals in Dimensional Regularization and Extensions of Calabi-Yau Motives" by Kilian Bönisch, Claude Duhr, Fabian Fischbach, Albrecht Klemm and Christoph Nega, arxiv:2108.05310
- Supplementary data for "State counting on fibered CY 3-folds and the non-Abelian Weak Gravity Conjecture" by Cesar Fierro Cota, Albrecht Klemm and Thorsten Schimannek, arxiv:2012.09836
- Supplementary data for "Analytic Structure of all Loop Banana Amplitudes" by Kilian Bönisch, Fabian Fischbach, Albrecht Klemm, Christoph Nega and Reza Safari, arXiv:2008.10574
- Supplementary data for "Elliptic Blowup Equations for 6d SCFTs. IV: Matters" by Jie Gu, Babak Haghighat, Albrecht Klemm, Kaiwen Sun and Xin Wang, arXiv:2006.03030
- Supplementary data for "Topological strings on genus one fibered Calabi-Yau 3-folds and string dualities" by Cesar Fierro Cota, Albrecht Klemm and Thorsten Schimannek, arXiv:1910.01988
- BPS Data for "Elliptic Blowup Equations for 6d SCFTs. II: Exceptional Cases " by Jie Gu, Albrecht Klemm, Kaiwen Sun and Xin Wang, arXiv:1905.00864
- Code and Data for "Modular Amplitudes and Flux-Superpotentials on elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds" by Cesar Fierro Cota, Albrecht Klemm and Thorsten Schimannek, arXiv:1709.02820
- Code and Data for "Mordell-Weil Torsion in the Mirror of Multi-Sections" by Paul Oehlmann, Jonas Reuter and Thorsten Schimannek, arXiv:1604.00011
- Supplementary Data for "Exact solutions to quantum spectral curves by topological string theory, Jie Gu, Albrecht Klemm, Marcos Marino, Jonas Reuter", arXiv:1506.09176
Calabi-Yau Data Bases
One Parameter Hypergeometric Calabi-Yau higher genus data
The reference explaining the direct integration methods to obtain the higher Gopakumar Vafa (GV) invariants below is "Topological string theory on compact Calabi-Yau: Modularity
and boundary conditions" by Minxin Huang, Albrecht Klemm and Seth Quakenbush arxiv:0612125
Arithmetic properties of the period on the hypergeometric models that follow from their Hasse Weil Zeta function have been studied in ``D-brane masses at special fibres of
hypergeometric families of Calabi-Yau threefolds, modular forms, and periods", by Kilian Bönisch (see Master Thesis below), Albrecht Klemm,
Emanuel Scheidegger and Don Zagier arxiv:2203.09246
In the work "Topological Strings on Non-Commutative Resolutions" by Sheldon Katz, Albrecht Klemm, Thorsten Schimannek and Eric Sharpe
the second MUM point in the X2222(11111111) family has been identified with a non-commutative resolution of the X8(11114) model with Z2 torsion arxiv:2212.08655 .
The list of Z2 torsion GV invariants can be found below. Note that the GV invariants for the X2222(11111111) model could only be calculated to genus 32 by combining conditions on the GV invariants
at it's two MUM points.
New boundary conditions for the direct integration for most of the models were obtained in "Quantum Geometry, Stability and Modularity" by Sergei Alexandrov, Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Albrecht Klemm,
Boris Pioline and Thorsten Schimannek arxiv:2301.08066 , using wall-crossing to relate GV invariants to Donaldson-Thomas
invariants with one unit of D4 brane charge (also known as D4-D2-D0 indices), and exploiting the conjectural modular properties of generating series of D4-D2-D0 indices to obtain GV invariants near the Castelnuovo bound. Extending this analysis, the boundary conditions have been improved in "Quantum geometry and mock modularity" arxiv:2312.12629 by Sergei Alexandrov, Soheyla Feyzbakhsh, Albrecht Klemm and Boris Pioline using wall-crossing formulas that relate now GV invariants to DT invariants with two units of D4 brane charge. The generating functions of the latter involve mock modular functions, which were fixed for X8(11114) and X10(11125). This determines the ambiguties theoretically up to genus 95 and 112. The data given below do not reach the theoretical bound, but check the relations.
The formal expansion of the Fg in terms of the propagators Szz,Sz,S and z are very huge data sets of crucial importance for the study of ``Non perturbative topological String Theory on Compact CY 3-folds", by
Jie Gu, Amir Kashani-Poor, Albrecht Klemm and Marcos Marino arxiv:2305.19916 . The propagator ambiguities described in
arxiv:2301.08066 are recorded in the file propagator ambiguities
Data List
- The notation below is Xd1..dr(w1...wr+4) for complete intersections of degree d1,..,dr polynomials
in weighted projective space IP(w1,..,wr+4), followed by the type (F,C,K,M) Orbifold, Conifold, K-point or MUM
point at the south pole of the moduli space, the Level N of \Gamma_0(N) modular group at the universal conifold with local
exponents (0,1,1,2), "A" indicates if the model has a rank 2 attractor, the Gopakumar Vafa invariants ngd[genus,degree], the Fg(Szz,Sz,S,z)=Ff[genus] (a *.zip file often of several GB) as
well as a *.m file with GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants as far as they follow from the GV invariants and
the modular predictions. The latter are also given in Mathematica readable form and can be in particular used
by the notebook GVPTDTD4D2D0.nb or for the rank two cases
GVPTDT-r2.nb using DVDTPTlib.m .
- X5(11111) (F,25) GV invariants (genus 64), Fg data (64),
X5.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X6(11112) (F,108) GV invariants (genus 48), Fg data (48),
X6.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 in invariants
- X8(11114) (F,128) GV invariants (genus 66), Fg data (66),
X8.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X8(11114) Z2 torsion GV invariants (genus 32), Fg data (32),
as discussed in arxiv:2212.08655
- X10(11125) (F,200) GV invariants (genus 72), Fg data (50),
X10.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X43(111112) (F,9) GV invariants (genus 24), Fg data (24),
X43.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X64(111223) (F,144) GV invariants (genus 17), Fg data (17),
X64.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X42(111111) (C,16) GV invariants (genus 64), Fg data (50),
X42.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X62(111113) (C,72) GV invariants (genus 49), Fg data (49),
X62.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X322(1111111) (C,36) GV invariants (genus 14), Fg data (14),
X322.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X33(111111) (K,27,A) GV invariants (genus 33), Fg data (33),
X33.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X44(111122) (K,32,A) GV invariants (genus 34), Fg data (34),
X44.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X66(112233) (K,216) GV invariants (genus 26), Fg data (21),
X66.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X2222(11111111) (M,8) GV invariants (genus 32), Fg data (32),
X2222.m GV/PT/DT/D4-D2-D0 invariants
- X12,2(111164) (O,864) No smooth complete intersection geometry
General Data Bases
Computer Programs
Theses of Group Members