Exercises WS 2016/17 |
Theoretical Particle Physics I (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles ) |
Group 1: A. Reinert, Tuesday 8.30-10 a.m. Seminarraum I, PI 2.005 |
Group 2: S. Colucci, Wednesday 10-12 a.m. Seminarraum II, bctp 2.020 |
Group 3: T. Opferkuch, Wednesday 5-7 p.m. Seminarraum I, bctp 2.019 |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Nr. 12 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2014 |
Theoretical Particle Physics II (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles ) |
Group 1: Toby Opferkuch, Tuesday 2-4 p.m. Ü218, room 2.030, AVZ I |
Group 2: Jie Gu, Friday 2-4 p.m. Ü16, room 0.024, AVZ I |
Announcement: Group 1 will take place on Thursday 24th July, 1-3 p.m. (unusual room: bctp Seminarraum 2 2.020) instead of Tuesday 15th June, 2-4 p.m. |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Nr. 12 [pdf ] |
Exercises WS 2013-2014 |
Theoretical Particle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles ) |
Group 1: Toby Opferkuch, Monday 10-12 Seminarraum I, PI |
Group 2: Swasti Belwal, Thursday 4-6 pm. Horsaal I, IAP |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2013 |
Theoretical Particle Astrophysics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles ) |
Tutors: Damian K. Mayorga Pena / Paul-K. Oehlmann, Tuesday 8:00-10:00, Room 0.020, AVZ |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Mock Exam [pdf ] |
Student Seminar WS 2012-2013 | ||
Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory (Prof. Dr. H.K. Dreiner & Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) | ||
Seminars takes place on Thursdays at 14ct in Seminar Room bctp 1 (2.019), Wegelerstrasse 10 | ||
Date | Speaker | Title |
08.11.2012 | T. Opferkuch | Chiral Anomaly |
22.11.2012 | C. Liyanage | Conformal Field Theory |
29.11.2012 | S. Ehlers | Monopoles |
13.12.2012 | H. Schmiedt | Symmetry Breaking |
10.01.2013 | R. Garani | Renormalization Group Flow |
24.01.2013 | O. Baake | Lorentz Group in higher dimensions |
31.01.2013 | P. Bröcker | QFT at finite temperature |
Exercises SS 2012 |
String Theory II (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles & Priv. Doz. Dr. S. Förste) |
Group 1, Damian Kaloni Mayorga Pena / Fabian Rühle: Thursday 16:00-18:00, Conference Room 2, HISKP |
Nr. 0 [pdf ] |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Exercises WS 2011-2012 |
String Theory I (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles & Priv. Doz. Dr. S. Förste) |
Group 1, Michael Blaszczyk / Fabian Rühle: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Conference Room 1, PI |
Nr. 0 [pdf ] |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2011 |
Theoretical Particle Physics II (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles & Dr. C. Lüdeling) |
Group 1, Paul Oehlmann: Thursday 18:00-20:00 |
Nr. 0 [pdf ] |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Exercises WS 2010 / 2011 |
Theoretical Particle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Group 1, Fabian Rühle: Wednesday 16:30-18:30, Conference Room 2, PI |
Group 2, Claudia Stephan: Thursday 10:00-12:00, Übungsraum 2, AVZ |
Nr. 0 [pdf ] |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2010 |
Group Theory (Dr. C. Lüdeling ) |
Group 1, Thomas Wotschke: Monday 10:00-12:00, Room 5, AVZ |
Group 2, Daniel Lopes: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Room 5, AVZ |
Group 3, Marco Rauch: Wednesday 10:00-12:00, Room 118 (lecture hall), AVZ |
Nr. 0 [pdf ] |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Nr. 12 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2010 |
Theoretical Particle Physics II (Priv. Doz. Dr. Stefan F?ste) |
Group 1, Nana Geraldine Cabo Bizet / Fabian Rühle: Thursday 13:00-15:00, Room 22, AVZ |
Nr. 0 [pdf ] |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Mock Exam [pdf ] |
Exercises WS 2009-2010 |
Theoretical Particle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Group 1, Val?i L?en: Wednesdays 10:00-12:00, Conference Room I (W160), PI |
Group 2, Nana Geraldine Cabo Bizet: Wednesdays 18:00-20:00, AVZ 4 |
Group 3, Michael Blaszczyk: Thursdays 10:00-12:00, HS IAP |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2009 |
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles and Priv. Doz. Dr. Stefan Förste) |
Group 1, Michael Blaszczyk and Tae Won Ha: Monday 8:00-10:00, PI SR 1 (English) |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] | Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] | Nr. 6 [pdf ] | Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] | Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Exercises WS 2008-2009 |
String Theory (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Group 1, Christoph Lüdeling: Wednesdays 14:15-16:00, AVZ 118 (English) |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] | Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
General Relativity (Priv. Doz. Dr. Stefan F?ste) |
Group 1, Maxim Mai: Wednesdays 10-12, AVZ 5 |
Group 2, Marco Rauch: Thursdays 8-10, AVZ 22 |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Nr. 12 [pdf ] |
Nr. 13 [pdf ] |
Exercises SS 2008 |
Elementary Particle Physics II (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Denis Klevers |
Nr. 1 [pdf ] |
Nr. 2 [pdf ] |
Nr. 3 [pdf ] |
Nr. 4 [pdf ] |
Nr. 5 [pdf ] |
Nr. 6 [pdf ] |
Nr. 7 [pdf ] |
Nr. 8 [pdf ] |
Nr. 9 [pdf ] |
Nr. 10 [pdf ] |
Nr. 11 [pdf ] |
Nr. 12 [pdf ] |
Exercises WS 2006-2007 |
General Relativity (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Group 1, Jumin Kim: Mondays 8:15-10:00, AVZ 6 (English) |
Group 2, Magnus Engenhorst: Tuesdays 17:15-19:00, AVZ 17 |
Group 3, Bernhard Wurm: Wednesdays 13:15-15:00, AVZ 6 |
Group 4, Denis Klevers: Fridays 10:15-12:00, AVZ 7 |
Felix Plöger |
Nr. 1/2 [ ps | pdf ] |
Lorentz transformations and Electrodynamics |
Nr. 3 [ ps | pdf ] |
Free movement in a gravitational field; Non-orthogonal coordinates; Locally varying coordinates |
Nr. 4 [ ps | pdf ] |
Calculus and covariant differentiation; Gradient, Rotation and Divergence |
Nr. 5 [ ps | pdf ] |
Geodesics of S^2; Riemann tensor; Bianchi identities |
Nr. 6 [ ps | pdf ] |
The Einstein Hilbert action; Schwarzschild solution (Episode I) |
Nr. 7 [ ps | pdf ] |
Energy momentum in hydrodynamics; Normal coordinates |
Nr. 8 [ ps | pdf ] |
Schwarzschild solution (Episode II) |
Nr. 9 [ ps | pdf ] |
Motion in Schwarzschild solutions; Precession of perihelion |
Nr. 10 [ ps | pdf ] |
Gravitational waves; Robertson-Walker metric |
Nr. 11 [ ps | pdf ] |
Friedmann models |
Nr. 12 [ ps | pdf ] |
Age of the universe |
Student Seminar SS 2006 |
Seminar Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik (Prof. Dr. M. Drees, Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Thursdays, from 4pm to 6pm in HS 1/HISKP |
Date | Speaker | Title | Slides | Script |
20.04.06 | S. Koelling | Sym. Breaking: Pion as a NGB | [ pdf ] | N/A |
27.04.06 | K. Polejaeva | Chiral Anomaly | [ pdf ] | N/A |
04.05.06 | R. Schmitz | Magnetic Monopoles | [ pdf ] | N/A |
11.05.06 | M. Gross | Large N Expansions | [ pdf ] | N/A |
18.05.06 | J. Kim | Renormalization Group Flow | [ pdf ] | N/A |
01.06.06 | D. Mross | Solitons, Vortices, Instantons | [ pdf ] | N/A |
22.06.06 | K. Rosbach | Effective Potential | [ pdf ] | N/A |
29.06.06 | M. Ronniger | Optical Theorem, Partial Wave Unitarity | [ pdf ] | N/A |
06.07.06 | K. Helfrich | Axions | [ pdf ] | N/A |
13.07.06 | B. Eltzner | QFT at finite Temperature | [ pdf ] | N/A |
Exercises SS 2006 |
Elementary Particle Physics II (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Saúl Ramos: Thursdays 10:15-12:00, AVZ 4 (English) |
Patrick Vaudrevange |
Nr. 1 [ ps | pdf ] |
Higgs mass corrections |
Nr. 2 [ ps | pdf ] |
Grassmann variables and Weyl spinors; Pauli matrices and Weyl spinors; Grassmann differentiation |
Nr. 3 [ ps | pdf ] |
The SUSY Algebra and the Chiral Representation |
Nr. 4 [ ps | pdf ] |
The Superpotential; Kinetic terms of chiral superfields; The Wess-Zumino Model |
Nr. 5 [ ps | pdf ] |
Vector superfields and gauge transformations; Pure supersymmetric abelian Yang-Mills |
Nr. 6 [ ps | pdf ] |
F-term SUSY breaking in the O'Raifeartaigh model |
Nr. 7 [ ps | pdf ] |
Gauge invariant couplings; D-term SUSY breaking - part I |
Nr. 8 [ ps | pdf ] |
D-term SUSY breaking - part II; The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model - part I |
Nr. 9 [ ps | pdf ] |
The MSSM Higgs sector | Nr. 10 [ ps | pdf ] |
Supergravity definitions; The Polonyi superpotential | Nr. 11 [ ps | pdf ] |
No-Scale Model |
Exercises WS 2005/06 |
Elementary Particle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Group 1, Felix Plöger: Mondays 11:15-13:00, AVZ 2 |
Group 2, Eike Müller: Mondays 14:15-16:00, AVZ 116 |
Group 3, Saúl Ramos: Wednesdays 17:15-19:00, Seminar Room 1 (PI) (English) |
Patrick Vaudrevange |
Nr. 1 [ ps | pdf ] |
Some calculations for the lecture; The Dirac equation; Free solutions of the Dirac equation |
Nr. 2 [ ps | pdf ] |
The adjoint Dirac equation and currents; Completeness relations; Trace theorems and properties of γ-matrices |
Nr. 3 [ ps | pdf ] |
Representations of su(2); the Lorentz group; Weyl spinors - part I |
Nr. 4 [ ps | pdf ] |
Weyl spinors - part II; Dirac spinor - part I; Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry | Nr. 5 [ ps | pdf ] |
Dirac spinor - part II; Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry - part II; Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the Linear Sigma Model | Nr. 6 [ ps | pdf ] |
Spin 1/2 fermions coupled to an el.magn. field; Electron-Muon Scattering | Nr. 7 [ ps | pdf ] |
Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry - part III; The Standard Model Higgs Effect - part I | Nr. 8 [ ps | pdf ] |
The Standard Model Higgs Effect - part II; Dynkin Diagram of SU(n) - part I | Nr. 9 [ ps | pdf ] |
Dynkin Diagram of SU(n) - part II; Representations of SU(n) - part I; The CKM Matrix | Nr. 10 [ ps | pdf ] |
Representations of SU(n) - part II; Symmetry Breaking and Branching Rules; Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in SU(5) | Nr. 11 [ ps | pdf ] |
Renormalization of the Electric Charge in QED - part I | Nr. 12 [ ps | pdf ] |
Renormalization of the Electric Charge in QED - part II; Dynkin Diagram of SO(2n) - part I | Nr. 13 [ ps | pdf ] |
Dynkin Diagram of SO(2n) - part II |
Exercises WS 2004/05 |
General Relativity (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Group 1, Akιn Wingerter: Mondays 16:00, Seminar Room 1 (PI) |
Group 2, Nils Carqueville: Fridays 14:00, Seminar Room 1 (PI) |
Group 3, Mark Hillenbach: Fridays 14:00, Conference Room 2 (PI) |
Nr. 1 [ ps | pdf ] |
Lorentz transformations; Space-time diagrams; Time dilation |
Nr. 2 [ ps | pdf ] |
Electromagnetism; Energy-momentum tensor; Angular momentum |
Nr. 3 [ ps | pdf ] |
Non-orthogonal coordinates; Christoffel symbols from Lagrange equation; Spherical coordinates |
Nr. 4 [ ps | pdf ] |
Free movement on geodesics; Riemann tensor |
Nr. 5 [ ps | pdf ] |
Bianchi identities; Energy-momentum tensor for fluids |
Nr. 6 [ ps | pdf ] |
Schwarzschild solution |
Nr. 7 [ ps | pdf ] |
Light deflection in weak fields |
Nr. 8 [ ps | pdf ] |
Precession of Perihelion |
Nr. 9 [ ps | pdf ] |
Gravitational waves; Robertson-Walker metric |
Nr. 10 [ ps | pdf ] |
Age of the universe |
Exercises SS 2004 |
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics II (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Nr. 1 [ ps | pdf ] |
Weyl spinor algebra; SUSY algebra |
Nr. 2 [ ps | pdf ] |
Superfield representation of SUSY algebra; Left and right handed representations; SUSY transformations of component fields (This is the new version with corrections and clarifications) |
Nr. 3 [ ps | pdf ] |
Kinetic terms of chiral superfields; F-term SUSY breaking |
Nr. 4 [ ps | pdf ] |
Vector superfield; Gauge transformations; Spinor superfield |
Nr. 5 [ ps | pdf ] |
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model; MSSM Higgs sector |
Nr. 6 [ ps | pdf ] |
Supergravity: Polonyi superpotential |
Nr. 7 [ ps | pdf ] |
No scale model; Dimensional reduction |
Nr. 8 [ ps | pdf ] |
Orbifold symmetries; 5d Orbifold gauge symmetry breaking |
Exercises WS 2003/04 |
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Nr. 1 [ ps | pdf ] |
Dirac equation; Representation theory of su(2) |
Nr. 2 [ ps | pdf ] |
Representations of the Lorentz group; Weyl spinors; Dirac spinors |
Nr. 3 [ ps | pdf ] |
Global and local gauge invariance; representaions of SU(n); Young tableaux; Dynkin's approach to group theory |
Nr. 4 [ ps | pdf ] |
Tree level Feynman graphs; Mott scattering; Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the linear sigma model |
Nr. 5 [ ps | pdf ] |
Standard model Higgs effect; Crossing symmetry; Feynman rules |
Nr. 6 [ ps | pdf ] |
Dimensional regularization of phi^4 theory; triplet Higgs |
Nr. 7 [ ps | pdf ] |
On-shell renormalization scheme of phi^4 theory; Parity, charge conjugation, time reversal on Dirac spinors |
Nr. 8 [ ps | pdf ] |
Roots and weights, simple roots, Killing form, Cartan matrix, Dynkin diagram, G2 |
Nr. 9 [ ps | pdf ] |
Symmetry breaking, branching rules, SU(5) GUT |
Nr. 10 [ ps | pdf ] |
Renormalization group equations, beta-functions, renormalization of the electric charge in QED |
Nr. 11 [ ps | pdf ] |
Beta-function of phi^4 theory, running masses, anomalous dimension |
Student Seminar WS 2003/04 |
Seminar on Strings and Branes (Prof. Dr. R. Flume, Priv-Doz. Dr. S. Förste), |
Date | Speaker | Title | Slides | Script |
12.11.03 | Kester Tong | Conformal Group in all Dimensions and Ward Identities | N/A | N/A |
19.11.03 | Alexander Klitz | Ising model as conformal field theory | N/A | N/A |
26.11.03 | Lecture Conformal Field Theory | N/A | N/A | |
03.12.03 | Dies Academicus | N/A | N/A | |
10.12.03 | Stefan Förste | Non-commutativity ala Seiberg-Witten | N/A | N/A |
17.12.03 | - | - | N/A | N/A |
07.01.04 | Rainald Flume | Cardy condition and implications | N/A | N/A |
14.01.04 | Julius Japs | Chiral algebras | N/A | N/A |
21.01.04 | Jörg Pohle | WZW models and D-branes | N/A | N/A |
28.01.04 | Win Nuding | Maldacena conjecture | ps | ps |
04.02.04 | Xerxes Arsiwalla | Matrix Models | N/A | N/A |
Student Seminar SS 2003 |
Introduction to String Theory (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles, Priv-Doz. Dr. S. Förste), |
Date | Speaker | Title | Slides | Script |
25.04. | Patrick Vaudrevange | The Bosonic String | [ ps | pdf ] | N/A |
02.05. / 09.05. | Felix Plöger | An Introduction to Superstring Theory | [ ps | pdf ] | [ ps | pdf ] |
16.05. / 23.05. | Alexander Klitz | Kaluza-Klein Theory, Torus Compactification and T-Duality | [ tif ] | N/A |
30.05. | Holger Weber | Heterotic String Theory | ||
06.06. | Corinna Burghardt | Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity | ||
20.06. / 27.06. | Xerxes Arsiwalla | Open Strings and D-Branes | ||
11.07. | Jörg Pohle | Calabi-Yau Compactification of the Heterotic String | ||
18.07. | Markus Niemann | Compactification on Manifolds with G_2 Holonomy | ||
Exercises WS 2002/03 |
Theoretische Physik I (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
Literaturliste Mechanik -> Download [ps][pdf] |
> Nr. 1 [ps][pdf] < |
Partielle und totale Ableitung, Zylinderkoordinaten, Kugelkoordinaten, effektives Potential |
> Nr. 2 [ps][pdf] < |
Bewegung im Zentralfeld, Kepler-Problem, Ellipsengleichung, epsilon-Tensor und doppeltes Kreuzprodukt, Erste und zweite kosmische Geschwindigkeit |
> Nr. 3 [ps][pdf] < |
Raketenproblem, Euler-Lagrange Gleichungen, Kondensation eines Wassertropfens, Snelliussches Brechungsgesetz, Problem der kürzesten Verbindung, Einfache Lagrangefunktionen |
> Nr. 4 [ps][pdf] < |
Das Problem der Dido, Teilchen in parabolischem Topf, Eigenfrequenzen und Eigenmoden, ein klassisches Qunatisierungsphänomen, Kettenlinie, Ein Modell für Kohlendioxid, Eine Lagrangefunktion der Elektrodynamik |
> Nr. 5 [ps][pdf] < |
Die Galileigruppe, Noether-Theorem, Ergänzung zum Noether-Theorem, Das massive Federpendel, Das Pendeln von Lasten an einem Kran, Herabrutschendes Seil |
> Nr. 6 [ps][pdf] < |
Freiheitsgrade, der starre Körper, Transformation des Kreuzproduktes, zweidimensionale Drehungen, Pendelnder Würfel, Billard, Jacobi-Determinante, ein Wagen auf der schiefen Ebene |
> Nr. 7 [ps][pdf] < |
Nachtrag zur Winkelgeschwindigkeit, Eulergleichung, Wurf eines Gegenstandes, zwei astronomische Perioden, Kommutatoren |
> Nr. 8 [ps][pdf] < |
Allgemeines zum Hamiltonformalismus, Poissonklammern, die Hamiltonfunktion der Elektrodynamik, Eigenschaften der Poissonklammer, Wiederholung der Mechanik |
Literaturliste Elektrostatik -> Download [ps][pdf] |
> Nr. 9 [ps][pdf] < |
Eigenschaften der Deltadistribution, Greensche Funktion der Laplacegleichung, Greensche Funktion und Deltafunktion in R, Symmetrien der Laplacegleichung, Vektoranalysis, Greensche Theoreme |
> Nr. 10 [ps][pdf] < |
Elektrischer Dipol und Quadrupol, Punktladung vor einer Metallwand, Geladene Walze und geladenes Rohr, eine Konfiguration von Punktladungen, Punktladung außerhalb einer Metallkugel |
> Nr. 11 [ps][pdf] < |
Wiederholung der Mechanik, axiale und polare Vektoren, Laplace in Kugelkoordinaten, Kondensatoren, der Satz von Stokes |
> Nr. 12 [ps][pdf] < |
Zum Integralsatz von Gauß, Wiederholung Spiegelladungen |
> Nr. 13 [ps][pdf] < |
Eindeutigkeit des dritten Randwertproblems der Potentialtheorie, Legendresche Differentialgleichung, Legendrepolynome, Axialsymmetrische Ladungsverteilung |
> Nr. 14 [ps][pdf] < |
Kugelflächenfunktionen, Magnetfeld in stromdurchflossener Drahtschlinge, Checkliste Elektrostatik |
Exercises WS 2001/02 |
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics (Prof. Dr. H.-P. Nilles) |
> Nr. 1 < |
Elementary definitions and properties of groups and algebras;
Representations of groups and algebras; SU(2) and SO(3) HW: Groups, representations and algebras; SU(2) and SO(3) once again |
> Nr. 2 < |
The Lorentz group; Representations of the Lorentz group HW: Spinors; C, P and T for spinors |
> Nr. 3 < |
More transformation properties of SU(N) spinors; The SU(3) quark model; Young tableauxs or product representations at Legoland |
> Nr. 4 < |
The free real scalar field; The free Dirac field Spontaneous symmetry breakdown I/II (postponed!) |
> Nr. 5 < |
Spontaneous symmetry breakdown I; The Standard Model Higgs-effect; Spontaneous symmetry breaking II (*) |
> Nr. 6 < |
Gamma gymnastics and spinor identities; Kinematics; e+ e- annihilation |
> Nr. 7 < |
One-loop correction to the electric charge in QED |
> Nr. 8 < |
Quantum numbers of SU(5) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) |
> Nr. 9 < |
Review; Grassmann algebra |
> Nr. 10 < |
Supersymmetry transformations; Chiral superfields; Vectorsuperfields |
> Nr. 11 < |
Supersymmetric Gaugetheory; Gaugeinvariant Coupling; Supersymmetric Electrodynamics (SQED) |
Exercises SS 2001 |
Introduction to Strings and Branes (Dr. S. Förste) |
For questions or comments please contact Martin Walter. |
> Nr. 1 < |
Some metric calculus; Polyakov- vs. Nambu-Goto action; Gaugefixing of the Polyakov action |
> Nr. 2 < |
Worldsheet supersymmetry; Lightcone quantization of the bosonic string |
> Nr. 3 < |
Type II superstrings |
> Nr. 4 < |
Toroidal compactification |
> Nr. 5 < |
The Buscher formulae |
> Nr. 6 < |
Enhanced gauge symmetries in toroidal compactifications; The S^1/Z_2 orbifold |
> Nr. 7 < |
Boundary conditions for open strings |
> Nr. 8 < |
Open strings in non-trivial backgrounds |